28 April, 2007

sabbath 20 extra: cartoons!

As promised, here are some of my recent cartoons.

Harvey does several teaching techniques to get our little linear brains out into cartoonland. We do pictures from squiggles, compound words (e.g., "bull-frog") and charaters out of letters or numbers (which I think he's calling alpha-pics). Anyway, here are some examples:


Anonymous said...

Love them! (Especially the gorilla)

meeegan said...

Sweet! You're drawing some expressive cartoon faces there, Cristopher.

Tripp Hudgins said...

The Big-G Gorilla is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am a freshmen in college, and when I was in middle school, I had taken private lessons from Mr. Harvey.

I'm sure you don't really care about any of that, but I was wondering if you happened to have Mr. Harvey's email adress? I'd like to get in touch with him and talk a little.

Cristopher said...

no, I don't have his email address, but I do see him regularly--he still teaches here. If you send me a name and contact information, I'll pass it along to him.