19 November, 2006

pretty words

Okay, there haven't been many posts recently.

Mostly because I've been sick. The creeping crud, I guess. My physician told me to get some sleep and take my vitamins, so we'll see.

The lack of posts is also because people haven't been asking for copies of sermons, and because I haven't been writing monthly articles. I didn't turn one in one month, and the ceiling didn't cave in. And then another month, and then they got used to life without my articles. I'm not sure anyone was reading the little things anyway. I'm also going to be undertaking a self-enforced blog writing exercise on Sabbath disciplines. stay tuned.

But today, I heard something blogworthy in the ubiquitous handshaking line after church.

Pretty words, Sonny, but don't change the liturgy.

The irony was that the sermon used as one of its two foundational texts the great sermon to the Hebrews, which says, in effect, "it's not about the liturgy."

These might have been the pretty words in question: "God's people are called not to preservation, but to proclamation. Not to immovability, but to agility."


Anonymous said...

Oh, I meant to ask you for a copy of that sermon- it was great.

meeegan said...

I'm glad you're going to join the Sabbath blogging ranks. :-)

Hope you're feeling better!

Anonymous said...

As Glenn would say..."Oh for the love of Petunia..." If the opportunity comes up, you might remind them that "the liturgy" of 1979, or 1928, or 1549 for that matter, did not fall from heaven in a Ziploc baggie :)