08 August, 2006

Onward Christian soldiers, part 2

More on "Onward Christian Soldiers."

one of the dearest people in my congregation took me to task last Sunday, and rightfully so, by pointing out that Hezbollah started it. This is a person who lived through the Nazi regime, and knows first-hand the horrors of what happens to the world when someone declares that someone else's very existence is offensive. Her story is precious, and it's hers, not mine, so I won't share any more of it here. Suffice it to say she's well and truly earned the right to fuss at me.

I don't dispute the nation of Israel's right to defend themselves. I don't dispute that Hezbollah is indiscriminately firing rockets into Israeli territory, or that they are using innocent (or mostly innocent) Lebanese civilians as shields.

But children are dying.


Is there anybody on the face of God's green earth who thinks this is a good thing?

I haven't written, or spoken, much about the conflict. I've been praying. Asking people to pray with me. Feeling helpless and angry. Crying.
And now I'm grateful for the cease-fire, or whatever the diplomats are calling it.

Part of the reason I've been mostly silent is that this is not an impersonal war for me. Just so's you know, I'm Lebanese-American. By covenant. My stepfather's family is from Lebanon, and I'm adopted and accepted into that family tree. I have what I think is one heck of a sermon on that subject in my back pocket, waiting for the right text to pull it out.

I have relatives we haven't heard any news of since the shooting started. The town my great-grandfather came from is scorched.

dona nobis pacem


Pat Greene said...

Oh, Cristopher, I had forgotten your heritage, and I am so sorry. I will keep your relatives in my prayers.

The Other Gatekeeper said...

kyrie eleison...